Calming Elixir
Ingredients: Fresh local lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), local hops (Humulus lupulus), fresh local milky oats (Avena sativa), 60% ABV local organic grain alcohol, local raw unfiltered honey
This calming and nerve supporting tincture contains a mix of local herbs: hops, lemon balm, and milky oats. Hops grow wonderful in our Colorado sun and are a calming sedative. Lemon balm being in the fragrant mint family, has been used since the Middle Ages to promote relaxation and soothe anxiety. Milky oats are a wonderful cove crop in gardens while also supporting a healthy nervous system response to stress.
· Hops are a sedative, bitter tonic, antispasmodic, anodyne, and an antibiotic. Hops help remedy a nervous stomach by acting to stimulate and redefine stomach functions while the sedative effects are relaxing and dampen the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system.
· Lemon balm has many uses but internally: it can treat insomnia, anxiety, gastric conditions, psychiatric conditions including depression , hysteria, migraines, and hypertension.
· Milky oats are a trophorestorative which taken internally is an excellent tonic for the nervous system.
· Milky oats also support the nervous system during extreme emotional stress, stabilize mood swings, and is supportive of adrenal fatigue.